Inspired Images

My Story

My name is Nigel Sloley. Currently based in Peka Peka New Zealand which is approximately forty minutes north of New Zealand’s capital city Wellington. I have lived in New Zealand for close to thirty nine years, but I grew up in London and Jamaica. I began photography as a hobby in the late 1970’s which has grown into the passion that it is today.

Before the introduction of the digital age, I would develop film and print photographs in my own darkroom where I would experiment with various techniques and chemical developer concoctions to strive to create the perfect print.

I became an early adopter of digital photography when a 32Mb storage card was seen as huge. In those days you still had to retain the discipline learnt while working with film that had a finite number of exposures per roll which taught your eye to be constantly aware of the image you were trying to capture, the surroundings, framing, expressions and emotions, exposure, movement, focus and time. Something that I still practice to this day.

My Objective

As a photographer, I endeavour to capture a person's emotions and inner thoughts at that specific point in time in relation to their surroundings and events in order to capture the essence and soul of that person in the photographic image for years to come.  

Over the years technology has made huge inroads into the technical aspects and know-how of photography making it somewhat simpler and disposable. However, the photographer’s artistic talent is still the determining factor in what makes a ‘good’ verses an ‘excellent’ image that will be treasured for years to come.

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